Lt. Dwilla Zee is the first female ape (see Simians) to serve as Senior Tactical Officer aboard a
toy space craft. Her intuitive use of direct action was recognized
by Commander Eagle when he awarded her the Gold
Foil Star, the highest decoration awarded by the Articulated
Space Administration.
Zee likes big guns, hand-to-hand combat,
and flying space ships really fast. Educated in her sister's
millinery, Dwilla found the fashion world a "total
bore" and for a while she became entangled in the dark subculture
of illegal toy boxing and Extreme RC drag racing.
Deciding to put her natural
talents to better use, Zee joined the ASA Security
Corps and quickly became the junior star of that program.
Her performance there paved the way for her current groundbreaking
post aboard the 2XL+, where she excels.