Good evening and welcome to tonight's Town Hall Debate, a cherished part of the selection process to determine who among Us will be Small Council Chairman. Joining Us tonight are the three major candidates (write-ins have no voice by Law) and their Vice-Chair running mates. I, of course, am Wink Blinkman, widely recognized as the World's Greatest Super-Anchorman. Let's get started by introducing the Candidates and hearing their opening statements. First, the Incumbent Senator, representing the Slumber Party. |
"Thank you, Wink, and let me just say that on behalf of myself and Adm. Dome it is an honor to be here, right where we are now, and indeed we are here because you are watching us. Thank you, and I'm asking for your vote." |
Thank you Senator for those oblique remarks. Next we have the Reverend Doctor Shamanson, representing the HAVA Party. |
"Thank you Wink, and thank you all you good people for taking the time to taste the honey in a summer's breeze. When I first decided to run for Small Council Chairman I had to ask myself, "Self, do I REALLY want to rule over my peers and make the kinds of decisions that will shape the lives of those that I Love, and even Small History as we know it?" And the darndest thing, the answer was a unanimous YES, and that is why I am here tonight!" |
Thank you Rev. Dr. The third Candidate for Small Council Chairman is Millionaire Jon Hendy. He and his VC running mate B.O.H. have made history with their revolutionary "End the Madness" platform, requiring all Smalls to submit to disassembly in order to sell all of Our parts on eBay, at whatever profit the market will bear... Mr. Hendy? |
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