"Well I didn't know it was you at the time, but I thought it was funny that we'd get that kind of telegraph at Station #2 since the message was sent from Station #1, which is shouting distance away. A lot of wedding proposals come through like that but nothing about piles of gold!"
"... so you bought a stagecoach ticket and risked losing your job because of a queer telegraph?"

"Oh, I didn't risk it, I lost it! Listen, mister... working in a telegraph office is DULL, ok? We developed this amazing new communication technology and what do people wire to each other all day long?

'don't forget the eggs' and 'my pants are too tight' and 'the dog did something in the tent again' and 'my elastic is getting loose'... I'm telling you, I just couldn't stand being a part of the minutia anymore..."

"Like I said, I didn't know it was you at that point... but I did recognize you when the crate got opened..."