"I told them Marshals when they brung me in that I don't
remember nuthin' except that I'm innocent of whatever I done...
I mean whoever says I done whatever they says, well they're wrong,
I didn't do it!" |
don't mind repeating it because it's my truthful story! I got
clocked on the back of the melon by a mad pony and I don't remember
nothin' after that, but I know for a fact I ain't no criminal
and don't deserve no prison cell!" |
you ask me I'd say it's a misapplication of justice! Like I told
them Marshals, there must be another Rupert Pupkin who
done something bad, I don't even know what, but I reckon I'm
here because of that other fella with my name!" |
it sounds like a crazy story to me, too. I got chiren, I know
a tall tale when it gets told t'me... But I'm tellin' you true
here and you just gotta believe me and let me out... I
ain't done nuthin' funny nor unlawful, and just because I cain't
remember details of my life don't mean I ain't tellin' you the
truth!" |
last thing I remember is this dude tellin' me that it's too bad
I never been to the town of Boxtop Hill, he says, because
they got nice places to drink and not much mud in the roadways
now. I guess if I'd ever set foot in that town I could
know what he meant... But I ain't been near the place ...ever!" |