::: Ency.Galac: QueryWiz v27.6

::: //:FAQ?::: searching....

:::Target Intel: FACTspool 78H.54

:::G7:e1 The New Bingo/FAQ:::


::: I bought the disc, now how do I make it go?

The G7:e1 disc is meant to run in your favorite internet web browser. Follow these cryptic instructions:


1. Open your favorite Undefined Web Browser Software. You do not need to be connected to the internet to enjoy your G7:e1 disc.

2. From your Undefined Web Browser Software, find and open the file named:


To do this, use your Browser's OPEN FILE command, probably found under the FILE menu at the top of the Browser Window. You may need to select the CD drive on your computer. Mine is called E: What's yours?

Once you discover how to tell your Browser to open 1START.html you should be A-OK to view the entire contents of the G7:e1 The New Bingo disc. If you have any more trouble, please write!


1. When the G7e1THENEWBINGO disc icon appears on your desktop, open it, and drag the file named 1START.html into/onto the icon for your favorite Undefined Web Browser Software.

2. Enjoy.


::: How did you do all of that toy stuff?

Well, for one thing I'm a shut-in. People don't cotton to me much, and I can't relate to them, so I find that I have a lot of time on my hands. With that time I wield a massive collection of toys, mostly Mego in nature, and the vast majority are deeply, freakishly altered in some way or another, or both. It's just what I do, and I've done it the same way since I was 4 or 5, so I think I'm almost getting good at it.

Did that answer your question?


::: How come the Megoville Store's ad on the bottom left of my G7:e1 disc's main menu is no worky-worky?

Well, truth is, I'm not really sure. If you know, please write.

My latest theory is that @!#%$ Internet Explorer rejects the image file for some reason. The page runs fine here on my eMac, and PCs using Netscape seem to have no beef whatsoever with displaying the glorious megoville.gif:

Whatever is at the root of the mysterious missing ad gif, we apologize.

wearesmall.com's Dept. of Hasty Solutions is happy to offer this simple fix, proven effective in 4 out of 5 cases:

1. Print this page.

2. Carefully cut out the ad banner for Hulk's MEGO Scale Store (above).

3. Make a tape loop, much like this:

4. Place the loop on the back of the cut-out, and stick the ad banner for Hulk's MEGO Scale Store on to your monitor in the proper location.

5. Squint, and enjoy!


::: Are your toys real?

Each and every one of our toys are very real. Yes, indeed.


:::How did you do all of that toy stuff?

All articulated models are 8 inches tall, wrought of plastic, and most were produced the by a company called Mego, who married pop-culture licenses with a generic "reusable" body to create a vast and curious selection of compatible toy lines. The faces of the G7 crew lineup include some contemporary sources, but most were born during the golden era of action figures; the 1970s.

This project fakes as little as possible. It is important that the heroes and settings appear touchable and whole without depending on special effects.

I abhor the use of doll stands for the same reasons I'm against leashes on toddlers; it is a cheap excuse for patience, and demeaning to both parties.

In the great tradition of sci-fi, my space backgrounds are painted, support wires are brushed out here and there, and I Photoshop-in the laser beams and take other production shortcuts, but my goal is always to take a good picture and do as little as possible to it. And I break that rule a lot.

I currently use a Nikon COOLPIX 3100 digital camera, and I have an eMac. I built the sets from junk and driveway gravel, and lit everything with flashlights, LEDs, night-lights and other similarly wee instruments of illumination. I found that toys light other toys the best.


::: How long did this take you?

The New Bingo existed for over a year as a rough but complete pencil stroyboard in a ratty Composition Notebook. Once in production, e1 took about 7 months to photograph and letter.

e2 has existed as a rough but complete pencil stroyboard for over 2 months now, and I have outlines for adventures through e9 or there abouts. I took some test shots for the cover of e2: what do you think? ::: X


::: How come there are so many funky errors in spelling and other stuff in the Encyclopedia Galactica BETA version, and stuff.

Mostly, we are morons. I'd like to blame it all on something other than the dumb in our heads, but that would compromise other things we value. If you look at it

click the Smallonaut to contact G7 BASE